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Should I be able to see who is scheduled if I am not

I struggle with the notion that anyone who is in my people list can access and see the schedule, especially if they are not scheduled. What do other churches do? do you alow the full schedule visible, meaning if I am not scheduled at all i see who is on.
What I dont want to create is a tool for church members to pick and choose the service they go to depending on the worship team...

Joe Araucto , 11.08.2010, 11:51
Idea status: completed


jasonsilver, 11.08.2010, 11:56
Interesting-- I know this is a problem -- I used to experience this in churches I worked for.

However, some part of me thinks that those types of people would find a way to get this information, whether or not they can view the schedule.

It doesn't seem right to remove functionality because of a base few.
Teresa Araucto, 11.08.2010, 11:58
Unless they are an administrator, the "Your Profile" should be all they need to see. Your Profile shows when they are scheduled, and their role for those dates.
Araucto, 15.08.2010, 23:47
I've been thinking about this some more, would there be a way for each church to set this preference. so if my church leaders would rather limit the schedule that each person sees to only their own, we can set that up in the church preference. other churches may opt to have their schedule be available for viewing by all their active users. - so what I am getting at is maybe have a preference option that can be enabled or disabled depending on the church preference... Any thoughts?
jasonsilver, 21.09.2010, 08:55
This idea has been implemented.

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