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User unable to change their availability once confirmed

How do you change the user availability for a role on a particular event once they have confirmed it. The question arose from my worship team how to remove their name from a role once they have confirmed it.

Also, an option you might include on the confirmation email that they receive is to have them click an unavailable link, which will tell the admin they don't accept that role for that particular event. Anyway to do that?

Dale Zarlenga , 12.07.2012, 21:00
Response from the site administrator
jasonsilver, 23.07.2012
OK, I have added a link within the automatic outbound email that tells people what to do if they are not available.

Reopen this if it doesn't seem to accomplish what you wanted.
Idea status: completed


jasonsilver, 14.07.2012, 21:05
This has come up a few times-- a way for someone to click "Not Available".

I've always said that I didn't want it to be easy for people to turn down roles they were scheduled for in an anonymous way-- I wanted a personal call or email to let me know.

Perhaps if there was a link to the unavailability page, a user could click that, fill out the date range they're away, and then you'd see it on your schedule view that there was a conflict.

What do you think?
jasonsilver, 23.07.2012, 12:19
Hope this solution suits your needs.

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