
- Add Worship Design Tool

It would be nice to be able to create set lists that use uploaded charts/mp3s/text files as well as the references to the songbooks/hymnals. Then, participants would be able to download those set lists and files as needed to prepare for the services. This would even be a significant tool for readings, plays, and special services.

Author: jasonsilver, 06.09.2010, 22:20
Idea status: completed

Response from the site administrator

jasonsilver, 13.08.2011
Each service can now have attachments - you can upload them from the services edit screen, or using drop box you can drag them into the /Public/ServiceBuilder/Services/ folder and prefix the file name with the service id.


jasonsilver, 12.05.2012, 07:58
Each service can now have attachments - you can upload them from the services edit screen, or using drop box you can drag them into the /Public/ServiceBuilder/Services/ folder and prefix the file name with the service id.

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