
- Turn off youtube videos

Is there any way to turn on/off the youtube videos? It would be nice to have this choice.

Author: Chris, 07.06.2013, 02:26
Idea status: under consideration


jasonsilver, 07.06.2013, 06:30
Can you explain why you would like this?
Chris, 07.06.2013, 18:15
I logged in as a user and noticed that as a user when I go to the music erroneous videos appear which would be a great distraction for the choir and orchestra who have to practice the music pieces. So I would like to disable it until I can get some videos up that would be relevant to the music that is scheduled for the service of the day.
jasonsilver, 19.05.2015, 15:23
Sorry for the late reply. You can put your own custom videos on each song, so that should solve this problem.

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