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Please provide fields for e-mail use

I am planning on informing my people of this website and I want to tell them how to log in. can you share how I can form the e-mail to include their information i.e. peopleID, churchID, username, password... I want each users to be able to click a link on an e-mail that will allow then to login. so far the only way i can do this is sending individual auto e-mail when I update their profile. I want to send a mass e-mail to all...

Araucto, 18.08.2010, 10:59
Response from the site administrator
jasonsilver, 18.08.2010
When you add people to the people list, and include an email address, they will receive a login/password (which you assign).

When they log in, they will automatically be connected to your church.

Jason Silver
CrookedBush.com Inc.
Idea status: completed


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