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Confirmation Emails Contain More Details

Is there a way, when SB notifies a scheduled person for confirmation, for specific tasks to be included in the email? For instance, if someone is asked to confirm being a "reader" can the passage be included in the same email? (Or is it assumed the person will login to see where they are used?)

Dale McIntire , 25.06.2012, 14:06
Idea status: rejected


jasonsilver, 25.06.2012, 16:21
Hi Dale,

That's a possibility-- but I'm not sure how it would work... there can be potentially more than one scripture reader in a service, and more than one scripture element as well.

Perhaps any lines in the order of service in which they are listed could be included?

The expectation thus far was that the people would log into SB and see where they are being used.

Will that work for you?
Dale McIntire, 23.07.2012, 17:37
Sure, we'll keep working on it. Most of the folks at my church still have to use dial-up for their internet access so we're always looking for ways to avoid long page loading experiences. They're starting to pick up the idea of logging in and confirming their role.

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