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Can the website be translated to other languages - like for example my native language Danish?

Carsten R. Jensen,
Pastor, Lutheran Church Denmark

Carsten , 24.09.2013, 11:05
Response from the site administrator
jasonsilver, 24.09.2013
Currently it is not possible to translate it, and I anticipate it would be very challenging since there is no way for lyrics of songs, for example, to be put in different languages.
Idea status: rejected


Carsten Riis Jensen, 24.09.2013, 11:22
Thanks Jason,
I was only thinking of the website as such. I would just add the Danish songs to the database.
Do you use a language file or do you insert all sentences used on the website directly in the code?
jasonsilver, 24.09.2013, 11:23
Unfortunately the language is currently hard-coded into the application.

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